How to get attached ?
Is it a right thing to get attached to a person even if you love this person or he loves you back?, getting attached is like blending your whole mind into another person's life, you will start thinking of how to impress him or how he is living his life, you will start to visualize your life with this person like it's happening already and you will always expect things from the other person which are probably will never happen.
Getting attached is not only with people but you can get attached to a certain idea and live with it your whole life, defending it and living with it like its a rule you must not get out of it, you will forget about other options in your life or maybe you will start forget that there is an option already.
Is all of this attaching to something your purpose of life? Will it lead you to the path you want? ,Of course not because you will always end disappointed, because if they left or your idea failed you will get lost even if it happened it won't be the same way you expected, as the whole situation comes from your mind when you have it all except something you need it so bad, and when you find something or someone maybe is similar to what you want, you will build your whole hopes and expectations upon it but as I said at the first place it is just similar to what you want not the exact thing you want, so instead of believing into something is not real and deep inside of you tells you its not the one , you have to stop immediately and follow your instincts from the first place, it is always right.
Always if you are going to judge something in your life look at it from both sides, your side and its side from all perspectives as you may think you are the right one and the angel in the story because the other side can't express their ideas in the right way or don't want to hurt you but the truth is you are the wrong one from the first place if you get attached because the other person didn't know that they may look similar to what you are missing in your life. it will not only destroy you but will also push your real loved ones away either they were your friends or family.
Sometime it may seem right to get attached if this person really do loves you back or your idea support you in your life, if both cases doesn't imprison you so let it happen but be careful sometimes things or people are trickery so always judge people by their actions not their words, believe me it doesn't mean they love you or they won't leave you if they said it unless they did it.
Just be careful and love yourself, never let anyone bring you down because the more experiences you will have in life the more you get stronger to be ready for more tough ones. And live your life the way you want not the way others want you to live it or the way you think it will impress them even if they do like you back.