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You are giving everything to someone now, and you are happy because you are being a good person , but then they start to give you back half what they gave before but you are giving your everything anyway and maybe more, hoping they will give you the same they gave you before, but suddenly they stop giving but you still giving them everything and trying to impress them to be back as they were before, then they will be asking you to give them more after that they will want you to stop giving because simply they will get bored but you don't want to stop giving because you simply love them so much that all what you want is to make them happy by your own giving not anyone's giving while wanting them to appreciate it and expecting to give you like what they did before and that will never happen.

Giving here is expressing your feelings, love them so much, try to make them happy as much as you can, being way too nice with specific person, always ask on them, pray every single day to God to make them successful as much as a person could ever be and pray to be always with them whatever happened and send them a smile to make there day even if you have so much obstacles going on in your life.

Giving could be a really tiny situations that could ever happen between two people but these tiny situation that could be a really small message or a phone call or going out for just two hours can mean a lot for the another person, a tiny situation or just few words can make the other person carrying you to the moon, imagine that you are doing so much for a person so the other person for return could give you his heart.

Actually a friend of mine have been in this situation for a long time, she used to love someone so much, and I mean by long time more than two years....Finally she is over him but I learnt from her experience something that is more important than being in love with someone who was doing nothing except texting sometimes, whatever!

Love between any two people in the whole world will always be about giving to each other honesty, a direct talk, feelings, love, kindness, caring, avoiding what the other person don't like and make what they like. But The most important subject here is the amount of what you give to the other person a girl or a boy, Giving so much for someone could make the whole relationship boring because you won't give the other person the only important thing which is the space to give back in return.

Every 100% of every person will always be a 50% because when two people be together they actually make the real 100% of everything, so when one of them try to make more than 50% (more than their limit), a relationship will be off balanced as too many of something or too few of something will make things go to the worst path you could ever imagine in your life, just keep it neutral. Make to yourself a standers in everything, don’t be too easy for someone or too hard on them, in the first on everything just Give 10% of your kindness but then make it 20% or 25% and when things get serious make it 40% with the other person only if the other person is being good and giver, never give your 50% to someone just save this 10% remaining to yourself but if the other person did something huge you can give the whole 50% for this specific situation then go back again to your 40%. Make them want you for your 10% or 20% because if you gave the whole 50% you would leave nothing for curiosity and you will kill the excitement part in your relationship.

There is also a giving part in leaving a relationship or leaving someone who you couldn't get along with whatever how you are related to him/her, before leaving a person behind or stop talking to them, put yourself in their shoe and imagine how would you truly feel when someone suddenly stop talking to you or argue with you to leave you or just keep talking behind your back and make other friends tell you what he was saying in order to stop talking to them, actually it won't only be about the other person's feelings or how much you could damage a part in their lives even if it’s not a big part, it will be also about how much you are being a human with good manners. before leaving anyone keep in you mind that truth may hurt but a lie could damage them for a really long time, there is also another kind of people who choose not to speak at all and that is the worst way because even if the other person you are leaving is not good for you, just remember that this same person part of him loves you and could do anything to be with you, and choosing not to talk is like leaving them hanging or you may make them broken as pain literally hurt their hearts as their tears won't be because of you but because of the pain inside their heart.

Seriously I know some people who have been way too sad because of something they lost or someone they used to love who left, they got cancer because of sadness and I know a girl who used to be a friend of my friends, recently died because of something made her really sad so she suddenly had a high blood pressure and passed away. I’m not saying to have bitty on others but I am saying to respect everyone around you, even if the other person is really strong that nothing will affect him, be human anyway and treat them good. Strong people may stand till the end and nothing will be appeared on their face except a smile but deep inside they could be very sad in a way you will ever imagine.

So when you leave a person know that you will be messing with their heart which is not a toy, just tell them why you choose to leave and that you have to leave with a decent good bye.

Have faith that there is someone out there is searching for someone like you and thinks that having a person like you in his/her life could make it perfect. Don’t make other affect on you be strong and don’t distract yourself with other stuff in order not to think about them because the first moment you will be by yourself, you will go straight to memories about him/her, trust me the best cure is to find something that you are passionate about try to do make an accomplishment in it, the feeling of accomplishing something is much bigger than being hurt and enough to make you forget about it and move on.

Smile and be optimistic because something amazing will be happening to you in a really short time.


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