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Do men act like children? "Part 2"

How can you deal with women's brain? And how can you make it work for your own benefit? As I said before in part 1 that their brains are like a web everything is connected to each other and this web is covered by emotions, let us say that women's brain consists of three layers that control their behavior, how they think to act and all by using their emotions, you can also control your ability of succeeding even if you were distracted by over thinking of different things or have other responsibilities that prevent you to achieve your dream or what you are seeking in the way you want it. The first layer which is on the top of the three and the most important layer that if you didn’t pay attention to it or someone breaks it down, a woman's life can fall apart, this layer called Life positivity layer


Life positivity layer, When I say life here I mean what you can do in your life that can improve your skills or make you unique , you can say that your life purpose here is about having a good life by being healthy, pray, love, be fit, play music and many other things that can be useful for you from all perspectives.

Improving yourself won’t be the only thing to make a Successful and positive life but make sure that what you are going to do is to start positively, for example you don't have to make a surgery to be fit but you can go to the gym and be fit, you will find running or exercising increase your positive energy and you will start to see things in a different optimistic way besides that running and exercising improves your health that will make you feel great, and another example like you don't have to hear good music while sitting their doing nothing hoping that it could lift you up, but instead you can go and learn how to play it, as it will fill your free time, you can consider it as a new hobby and you will be meeting new friends there. This Life positivity layer is important because it affects on the other two layers, so the better you invest in this layer, the better your life is going to be. And also you will find that it includes work not only Fun new hobbies as more work will increase the feeling of being proud of yourself and satisfied at the same time, imagine it as the feeling after winning a battle and then sit their with your friends having fun with a huge victory flag beside you written on it “you have done something huge and unique by your own”.

The Second layer and the middle one, it's called Negativity layer and trust me you have to neglect this layer because whatever it tells you will be just an illusion due to not investing enough positivity in your life as we said before women's brain is all connected to each other.

Also if you read "The secret" book you will find that if you let positivity down and negativity up, all what you expect in life will be happening to you in a negative way and it’s called “Force law”, so I found a solution how to control your negativity layer by raising up your positive expectations about life and always put in your mind that negativity is not real and if any thing happened in your life before, you saw it from your own point of view as a negative issue that would influence everything, all what you have to do now is to freeze for a second and believe completely that this issue will bring so much positivity in your life more that you could ever done it by yourself, and trust me it will just happen if you just believed so.

The last layer is as important as the first layer, it’s on the center of the web, it's called Love layer as a lot of people think that when you love someone so much it comes from your heart and you will be totally confused between what your brain think and what your heart feel, It will be my pleasure to tell you that all of this is not true because your brain is responsible for any emotions like love or hate or grudge or caring or missing someone, feelings are so strong that they make your heart beat so fast but that doesn’t mean that feelings are coming from your heart. you just have to control your thoughts from the first place and think about its consequences.

Your brain is a huge powerful creation that can make anything you want true so you have to be careful about your thoughts or what you do because you will be the one who take full responsibility for your actions and its results, putting in your mind that this love layer is the center of your web and you have to protect it because it's a precious layer, losing any part of it ,won't make it back again at least it won't be like before.

I'll tell you things to do and things to avoid them in order to live a happy, satisfied and successful life full of true and honest love:

  1. Make some standers for your friend zone before accepting any friendships ,first you have to think if they will fit with your standers or not.

  2. put your life standers and think about all the results that may happen from choosing the person who will be with you the rest of your life before taking any decisions or imagining your life with him, just don’t get too emotionally with something didn’t even started yet.

  3. The love layer will give you a million excuse for choosing what it wants, and be careful most of the time what it wants is what it will destroy your web because it will use the life positivity layer by the way it wants, so be careful and think as a rational grown woman.

  4. Always believe that you will find the love of your life and the one who is better than anyone you knew before, by saying better I mean better for you than others.

  5. For those who found the one, keep improving your life positivity layer because the love of your life loved you for it, he noticed you from the first beginning for what you can do in your “life positivity” life so don't lose it.

  6. Love is not only about getting a husband or friends or even your family to love you more but it's about how to keep this love alive so both sides don't get bored, it's all about being at the optimum level, it's the level that you have to be between sugar and salt, it's like food try not to make them feel satiated or full and make them want more of you.

  7. Be interesting and full of happy surprises that can make your lives full of enthusiasm.

  8. The most important point is the more you make them come to you with their own will, the more you can keep them and this works most of the times if not all the time.

  9. never make the loneliness feeling make you imagine you need someone in your life and you are not ready, just keep in mind that loneliness comes from an empty life and you know that you are ready to be in a relationship or marry someone when you are not alone or feeling lonely.

So connect all of these layers together and you will find every woman do this every second in her life without even noticing herself.

Also women usually are a responding machine to any reaction, so be careful don’t bring trouble to yourself, if you treated a woman right you will give her positive energy to be better and love you more besides that you will own her respect but if you start ignoring her or treat her bad, she will be nervous most of the time even if this love is like lovers or friends or brothers, it won’t matter because we are all humans and all of us feel the same sadness, the same madness or loneliness but every person has his own reaction to express them.

Write down this Advice “never lie” it will only get you some trusting issues with people.

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