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before it's too late -Etiquette- (part two)

Hello and goodbyes:

  • Tell them to smile while saying "Hello, it's nice to meet you, Mrs. Anna” or "Goodbye and have a great day, Mr. Sam"

  • Make sure they talk in a sentence and make “the twelve” rule in which they put the name of the person they are talking to in the first twelve words.

  • If you don't remember someone's name, don't be shy just say that you don't remember his name and can he remind you, it's okay because we know that people sometimes forget names.

  • Keep looking to them in the eye as people always love to feel your are giving them attention and avoid distractions because it's rude.

Physical contacts:

  • Most of the time kids are jumping or running and it ends up causing a disaster so you have to learn them (stop and look) rule which means to stop before doing any action and look around to see where he should jump or run then do whatever he wants but away from old people or cars, you can also do the (green, yellow & red) game with them, first teach them what every color mean, green to go, yellow to slowdown and red to stop as if they are doing any action you can use this colors with them.

  • Teach them to put their hands away from other people belongings and away from the glass or any thing they can break or leave their finger print on it.

Eating etiquette:

  • Always make sure you eat on the table with your kids, you can play the first outing with them as you start acting like you are outside door now and you have to eat right and teach them how to eat with the fork and the knife, put the napkin on their lap, eating from other plate in totally refused even if it was mom's plate and other many dine etiquette as it represent 10% of the etiquette rules.

Party etiquette:

  • Tell them to make sure they only talk about the party in front of the invited people and not to post anything on the internet unless everyone was invited, beside that you have to make the right amount of supplies available not more or less.

  • Tell your kids it's never too late to pick up something before going to someone they were invited to and respect their house, they also have to be grateful for whatever happens to them and hide disappointment to pave the way for the invitations in the future then at the end you can tell them thanks for having you.

  • Ask their guests what they want and then thank them for coming.

  • If your kid had a gift he should thank them for their kindness that they thought of bringing something even if they didn't like the gift enough, then open the card and read it privately with eye contact with the sender and say thank you with a smile, always represent how much the giver had to do so many efforts and so on then thank him for the gift while saying thank you (mention the gift name, say something nice about the gift and the giver, use the gift giver's name and say thank you)

  • If you had a duplicated gifts as both are exactly the same you can't thank the second person like the first one but you have to add something like "your two friends' name are both great gift givers! I’m blessed with friends who are like minded in their good taste!”

And don't put all the gifts back in their boxes as givers also like to see their gifts opened and if it was jewelry with tiny details you have to pass it for everyone to see it.

  • At the end of the day if you had so many gifts you should write every giver's gift to thank them in the morning and not to mix between the gifts or forget their givers.

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