22 Things I learnt in 22 years
Look who's turning 22...It's me while i'm sitting there on the couch receiving calls from my close and loved ones, but then i asked myself what did i learn in my life so far and how can i start a new mature life without any childish stuff ! My last birthday I celebrate it four times, 12am standing in the car with friends and screaming "WHOOOOOOOW" in the street while going home coz the next day i was going out with a friend which turned out to be a surprise party and we danced till 12am then i returned home to continue the party with myself, the next one was at North coast with my whole family and the last one wasn't actually a big celebrating just me, my mom and my sister which was the best of them all. Two years ago my birthday i spent it in Russia with friends i met them there who were a very nice people and when i returned back to Egypt i celebrate it with my family which also was the best but it is not the point here because i'm not showing off or something, i'm trying to say it's not the quantity of how many people you celebrate your day with or how many places you go or how many times you do it but it's all about quality at the end and those who are asking what did i do this year...well! I celebrate it only with my close loved ones but i'll do it the whole month this time hahahha eventually it's my birthday and i deserve to be happy tho :D
Today I'll tell you 22 things i learnt in my 22 years so far 1) You can recognize who are really your true friends not from some sweet words or poems in your birthday or those who sit beside you in classes or those you chat most of the time with but true friends those who are there by your-side when you truly need them you will find them and those who got your back through anything because at the end what a friend could be than a sister/brother because you are on of their main priorities. I got cold friends, crazy friends, stupid friends, foreign friends, relative friends, funny friends, weird friends, bad friends but those who i hang out with the most and i can call them true friends those who are loyal and good friends because those who you can have a crazy fun adventurous life with. 2) It's okay if someone you love passed away and you can't see them anymore because they will always be with you in your heart, And those who die aren't actually dead, they just transformed into a "soul" form from a "human" form and that's how they will always and forever be there. 3) Be patient with everyone and it's okay to give those who made you sad another chance but once they screw up again you have to stop giving chances because those who are sure that you will keep forgiving them every time will turn your life to hell. 4) Know what are your priorities in life and put all your effort to make them happen but make sure your crush or this one you like is not in your priorities because he got things to do too, but if you already in a relationship you will have to put consideration for him/her it's called "Responsibility" and this depends on your partner personality if he will put you number one or two so choose your partner wisely and it's okay if things turned wrong in your first love maybe it's a lesson not to ruin your second which maybe will be your one and last! 5) Never fall in love for someone who ain't free to see you or can't go out with you and just settles for texting because how can someone loves you and find another thing much more important than you that he can't find anytime to go out with you so move on with your life and never put people like this in your priorities or consideration . 6) Don't rush on stuff you're not sure about them because if it was really good for you, you'll not be hesitating to do them....Trust your guts! 7) Sometimes we know what's right and what's wrong but we do the wrong anyway so it's okay to make mistakes to learn that even if you wanna do the wrong you will be the one whose life will turn upside down so always do the right thing even if you need to do the wrong so bad or your friends don't like the right....Love yourself enough to do the right thing for you. 8) Have some standards and respect your self because people will always see you the way you see yourself and they will respect you if you respect yourself. 9) NEVER spend 4000LE in two weeks, trust me you're gonna regret it later just be normal don't spend too much money on silly things and don't also spend few amount of money on things you don't need !!! 10) Don't look back at what broke you before even if what broke you came to you Don't go back and you have to trust me on this, People don't just change out of the blue they will always be the same and what made you sad once will make you die inside out if you let it in again. 11) If someone really loves you, he will fall in love with your flaws before your perfections so don't convince yourself that if you changed they will like you "DON'T CHANGE FOR ANYONE " you are perfect the way you are. 12) Forgiving someone doesn't mean they will be back at the same place there were before in your life before. 13) Don't let anyone make you believe in something they believe in because they searched, listened and experienced it in-order to believe in it and tell you about it so you can just listen to what people say and look at it or search about it to see if you'll like it and believe in it or not. 14) Look inside your true self and find out what do you actually love or like, what makes you happy and have some self aware before someone else come and mess up with your mind. 15) It doesn't matter if people are rude to you or nice because you treat people the way you were raised by and what your folks taught you not how they treat you. and trust me if you were nice to someone rude you'll be the winner at the end. 16) Develop your body, mind and soul everyday because each of them need to be fed not your stomach. 17) Never buy a dog without negotiation with your mother first :'D 18) You can be friendly with everyone but never cross the limit to make them respect you !! 19) Be as happy as you can coz life is too freaking short so waste it on laughs, adventures, runs and so many things just don't waste a second crying or going after the wrong person or trying to make someone else happy, at the end it's all about how you want to spend your life so it's your choice to make it a happy one or a sad one...it's your choice to make people remember you when you die or forget about you. whatever is happening with you now that making you unhappy enough get rid of it and go find something else that could make you as happy as you could ever be and never look back. 20)Today you have more energy, you're young, you're beautiful...Keep it that way! 21) Your family is the most important thing in your whole life, this you can put it before being happy or having an adventure life. 22) Don't you ever do something that ain't you just to impress some people around you. And work something that you love so you won't feel like going to work everyday.
Say out loud "I'm proud of being me"
One last thing You can't be as happy as you want if you Don't Pray or ask God for it because He's the one who own your happiness and can give or take it anytime He want.