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Technology Etiquette

You better teach your kids technology etiquette now as they can access anything they want or talk to anyone or even post any picture they want so teaching them is now or never. Please don't let your children go through any abusive or bad experiences through their lives in order to let them learn by themselves because sometimes it prints on them.

  • Don't be a bullying person by writing bad comments because it will hurt their feelings and be kind; only send things that you don't mind to become very public.

  • Teach your kids to live the exact moment and not to be distracted by their phones all the time, tell them about quality time with people who actually around not just texting them.

  • Thank you (TY) and please (PLZ) can be perfect if you used them also in texting, manners will never go out of style.

  • Time is the most important thing and at the same time the most easy weapon you can use if you only control your chatting or phone calls as you can simply excuse yourself and go back to the people you are actually with.

  • let them teach you whatever comes new by saying "how did you do that" by this you can keep follow up with all the new coming up features.

  • Double check before you hit send because sometimes you may write things that can be misunderstood to other people or not in the right appropriate way to say it to them.

  • Never tell a secret in a world full of photos, texts, and videos can be posted, copied, forwarded, downloaded, and Photoshopped in the blink of an eye, if you want to say something important, you only have to say it face to face or don't say it.

  • Always remember there is a golden rule "Never say something to someone you can't say it face to face or in public".

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