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Hoda Shokry
Master your feelings
Being negative or positive, sad or happy, motivated or disappointed sometimes is out of our hands but most of the time if not all of it...
Why CrossFit?
1) Destiny always finds its way I began to spend most of my time at the gym since 2013 doing 10 to 20 reps in 3 sets on every machine or...
22 Things I learnt in 22 years
Look who's turning 22...It's me while i'm sitting there on the couch receiving calls from my close and loved ones, but then i asked...
What is self awareness? It's having a clear vision of what you want to be and who are you without judging or hesitating because simply...
What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is about observation without criticism; being compassionate with yourself. When unhappiness or stress...
Our Brain!
Everyone of us has 6 layers that help him draw a full image of himself and everything around him. First the core-self: it's the real...
seeking perfection?
I want to have a perfect job, a perfect friend, perfect family, perfect lover, perfect way of thinking but before having this perfect way...
Before it's too late
First let's agree on something, it's very clear that teaching kids differs from teaching teenagers because the more they get old the more...
before it's too late -Etiquette- (part two)
Hello and goodbyes: Tell them to smile while saying "Hello, it's nice to meet you, Mrs. Anna” or "Goodbye and have a great day, Mr. Sam"...
Technology Etiquette
You better teach your kids technology etiquette now as they can access anything they want or talk to anyone or even post any picture they...
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